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Botox Pricing: Only pay for what you need

Lindsey Lear • December 30, 2024

Botox pricing: per area or per unit?

It can be hard to figure out Botox pricing in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. Generally, providers price Botox one of two ways: by area or by unit. At Envision Estetique, our Botox pricing is by unit. We’ve found that pricing it this way is the most cost-effective for our patients.

We understand that pricing per area has the main benefit of knowing what your final bill will be ahead of time. But it comes with many disadvantages. If you pay per area, but need less Botox than the provider has accounted for, you’ll end up overpaying. Alternatively, providers pricing Botox per area may not treat you with enough product to effectively treat your wrinkles.

Botox is not a 'one-size-fits-all type of product'. The amount each individual needs per area varies greatly depending on personal taste, beauty goals, and unique anatomy. For example, someone with more severe wrinkles or a larger forehead may require more units of Botox than someone with a smaller forehead and less wrinkles.

For first time patients, we recommend doing less units initially. You can always add more. Typically Botox takes 5-7 days to begin to see results.  We can schedule you for a follow-up appointment between days 10-14 for new patients if there is concern about how much is needed.  During this window, we can add additional units if the original dosage wasn’t enough. With Botox, you can add, but you can’t take away. If you receive too much Botox, you simply have to wait for it to wear off (about 3-4 months for most people).

Too much Botox and/or poor placement can cause a variety of issues including arched eyebrows (a permanent “surprised” face), heavy and drooping eyelids, and a frozen face look. The right dosage of Botox is about achieving the perfect balance between relaxed muscles while still having some muscle movement.   Our doctors know the anatomy of the facial structures well and will navigate anatomical challenges and personal goals to help you achieve your desired results.

Once we have worked together to figure out the appropriate/optimal dosage for your particular goals and anatomy, we will be able to accurately dose you at subsequent appointments. But even at those appointments every 3-4 months, you can still come back during that 10-14 day window for a touch-up if the original amount of Botox doesn’t seem like enough.  Additionally, you may find that if you stay current on your Botox maintenance appointments, you may need less units over time or your Botox may even last longer intervals over time.

If you ready to get rid of those unwanted wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming, give us a call at (412) 841-4965 to schedule your appointment 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.

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